Op zoek naar talent?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue massa sit amet turpis sagittis, id porta lectus fringilla. Ut vitae risus sem. Nullam venenatis varius blandit. Etiam consectetur a turpis eget rhoncus.

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Het recruitment proces​


Send us your enquiry

Get in touch with us via email or by using the contact form on this website. By sending us a comprehensive brief of the talent that you are looking to hire, we will be best placed to understand your requirement and let you know how we can be of assistance.

Terms of business

Once we have analysed your requirement and are sure we can be of assistance, we will share our terms of business with you which highlight our obligations to each other, along with information on fees, replacement clauses and other small print items. These will need to be returned to us before we take on the role(s) in an official capacity.

The search

We will appoint a consultant to assist you, who will use the many different tools available to us in order to head hunt and approach candidates suitable for the position(s) you require us to fill. During this phase, our consultant will most likely be in touch with you to discuss the role particulars as the search is carried out and to give feedback regarding the market.


Once we have shortlisted the potential candidates, they will be shared with you via anonymized CV and profile summary. If you find any of these to your liking then we shall proceed to arrange interviews on your behalf.


The average interview process is conducted in 2 to 3 rounds, and the number usually increases with the seniority of the position to be filled. Due to COVID, the majority of initial interviews are conducted over the internet. We send invitations to interviewers and the interviewees on your behalf. However, if preferred, face to face interviews can be arranged at a location of your choosing. We are also happy to assist your HR team to schedule interviews directly with candidates.

Negotiations & offers

We will assist in the negotiation and delivery of offer letters. By acting as an intermediary we can reduce uncertainty for both parties and apply unbiased opinion to help ensure that all parties are represented in a diplomatic manner.


We will assist in the collection of the necessary documents from candidates to allow your HR and PRO teams to start your onboarding processes, visa applications etc. We will also offer advice to the candidate along the way if they require it.

Candidate start

This is the first day that the candidate joins your organisation and BAC Middle East issues an invoice to you for our service.

Uitzendkracten & werving en selectie

A focus on quality

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue massa sit amet turpis sagittis, id porta lectus fringilla. Ut vitae risus sem. Nullam venenatis varius blandit. Etiam consectetur a turpis eget rhoncus.

Local experience and expertise

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue massa sit amet turpis sagittis, id porta lectus fringilla. Ut vitae risus sem. Nullam venenatis varius blandit. Etiam consectetur a turpis eget rhoncus.

The security of a 3-year guarantee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue massa sit amet turpis sagittis, id porta lectus fringilla. Ut vitae risus sem. Nullam venenatis varius blandit. Etiam consectetur a turpis eget rhoncus.

    Op zoek naar talent?

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